Posted by Marcos
15/12/2011 a 31/12/2011 – De Luang Prabang a Nahin
Terra dos contrastes: assim denominamos até o momento o Laos, pois o país é marcado por diferenças: planícies = riqueza, capital e cidades maiores, calor; montanhas = pobreza, interior, frio.
Seguindo nosso passo pelo país conhecemos alguns templos pela cidade de Luang Prabang, a grande feira noturna com comidas típicas a ótimos preços e self-service, pães, bolos, muitos artefatos de fabricação manual e caseira como roupas, tecidos e bebidas. Um paraíso para estrangeiros, muitos deles consumindo bastante. Para nós, a pratada noturna e os bolos e pães para o café da manhã estavam perfeitos.
Fizemos nosso merecido dia de descanso, depois da viagem de barco e do cansativo dia da pedalada por terra.
Para os amantes da natureza existe muitas opções de diversão em Luang Prabang como navegar pelo Rio Mekong, visitar cachoeiras e rodar as estradas em busca de belas paisagens e vistas montanhosas. Estamos numa época (meados de Dezembro) em que Luang Prabang tem agradável temperatura diurna e frio de 15 C nas noite. Para quem tem interesse em conhecer o artesanato, a arte e culinária local recomendamos a feira noturna que localiza-se numa região bem movimentada da cidade, ótimas comidas típicas das mais diferentes as mais comuns aos ocidentais. Ou, simplesmente, dar uma volta pela cidade de bicicleta. Não levou sua bicicleta pra lá como nós? (rs) Não tem problema, muitas Guest Houses alugam bicicletas, assim pode-se conhecer muitos locais da cidade que é plana e agradável para passeios de bicicleta. Outra opção de transporte muito comum é o “tuk tuk”, pode-se fazer uma volta pela cidade e cachoeiras por um preço fixo, mais rapidamente e sem cansar,os tuk tuks estão por toda parte.
Saída de Luang Prabang, andamos por uns trechos planos e com descidas até encararmos o primeiro grande desafio de dois grandes que teríamos: subir pelas tão faladas montanhas do Laos. Dali em diante era sobe e desce, subimos e descemos até o Rio Mekong, depois subimos novamente e nos mantivemos numa altitude média de 1.400 m. Pelas estradas vimos como tudo por ali era diferente, poucas cidades, somente alguns vilarejos cravados no meio de matas fechadas e com alta declividade, tanto que mal se consegue plantar uma horta de subsistência, pois de um lado das casas, muitas delas feitas de lascas de bambu seco e trançado, encontra-se a ribanceira e do outro o asfalto da rodovia, o qual se desgasta todo sobrando apenas brita e terra por conta das chuvas e desabamentos. Pudemos observar quantas crianças moram nesses vilarejos, muitas delas vinham em nossa direção ou se mantinham em suas posições mas quase nunca deixavam de nos abanar a mão e dizer algumas palavras soltas em inglês ou simplesmente “Sabaidee” (“Olá” em lao), algumas sem as partes de baixo da roupa num frio...
O dia foi puxado na pedalada, quase 80 km com muita subida, suave, porém constante. Pernas cansadas e não encontrávamos local para acampar, chegando num vilarejo encontramos um casal de ciclista francês que vinha da Turquia pedalando e já havia passado por países que iríamos passar. Aproveitamos ao máximo para pegar algumas dicas, conversar, rir bastante das histórias, sentados numa varanda com uma magnífica vista de entardecer, fazia frio e havia muita neblina pelos morros. Finalmente jantamos juntos no restaurante ali próximo e fomos dormir.
No dia seguinte saimos com o objetivo de chegar em Phoukon, as subidas não deixavam irmos muito longe, quase mais longe em altura do que em distância (rs). Descemos bastante na saída, em meio a névoa e frio. O dia da chegada em Phoukon foi farto, farto em barganhas na feira, comidas mais baratas e uma cervejinha do Laos no terraço da casa onde ficamos, acampar ainda era nosso objetivo mas estava difícil encontrar lugar no alto das montanhas e matas.
De Phoukon para Kasi, a princípio este era o nosso objetivo, cerca de 50 km, mas dessa vez o percurso foi a nosso favor, uma longa descida com exuberantes picos a nossa vista, de 1.500 m metros fomos a menos de 300 m. Num dos belos mirantes encontramos tailandeses que tiraram fotos com a gente daí a partir de Kasi nos informamos que o percurso seria mais plano até Vang Vieng então decidimos esticar nossa pernada até a cidade que chegaríamos só no dia seguinte. Em Kasi já sentimos um clima bem diferente: calor e muito sol. As próprias pessoas tinham mais calor ao nos recepcionar, agora não somente crianças nos cumprimentavam ao longo das estradas, mas senhores e senhoras.
De Phoukon para Vang Vieng este foi o nosso dia de pedalada e que pedalada! Visual muito bonito! A cada curva da estrada a paisagem se revelava cada vez mais bela com picos desenhados no horizonte que aos poucos íamos alcançando-os. Ao longo deste trajeto nos sociabilizamos: encontramos um rapaz chinês, uma senhora chinesa, um casal suíço e o espanhol Fernando o qual saudamos já bem de bem longe e imaginamos: este é o “sangue latino” no cumprimento e na aproximação calorosa, detalhe: todos estavam na direção oposta. Foi com o Fernando que percebemos que talvez nosso visto na China pudesse durar menos que o programado – 1 mês, prorrogável por mais outro mês, mas veremos...em Vientiane saberemos.
Nas proximidades de Vang Vieng, a estrada 13 está danificada; intercalam-se os trechos de asfalto com terra (poeira) e pedras e o movimento de carros e caminhões aos poucos foiaumentando. A bela paisagem continua a passar pelos nossos olhos e lente da câmera: já próximos do rio algumas pessoas se divertem nas verdes e translúcidas águas.
Vang Vieng, outra cidade do Laos bastante movimentada por turistas que seguem a rota Luang Prabang-Vang Vieng –Vientiane, por esta rota conhece-se regiões mais selvagens e inóspitas – próximas a VangVieng e Luang Prabang pelas cachoeiras, cavernas, rios e quem sabe até um passeio de balão em Vang Vieng, atrações naturais não faltam e opções de transportes também: motocicletas e bicicletas alugadas e “tuk-tuk”-pagos para rodar até determinado. Aproveitamos VangVieng para fazer um dia de descanso, lavar roupas e por as “pernas pro ar”.
Muito movimento saindo de Vang Vieng. A estrada continua ruim e continuará assim até Vientiane: pedaços de terra e pedras no meio da estrada asfaltada. Encontramos um simpático casal australiano de bike que vinha de Vientiane e já tinha passado pelo Camboja. Chegando em Phonhong comemos e fomos em busca de local para acampar, saco de água para o banho cheio e fomos em direção a um grande rio, desviando um pouco da estrada que segue direto para Vientiane. Tentativa frustrada, pois o rio ainda estava longe e não havia local em condições para se colocar a barraca, em meio a tanto arrozal. Tentamos num templo, e nada. Por fim ficamos numa simples Guest House.
No desvio da 13, pegamos asfalto de primeira qualidade, porém neste desvio totalizam 20km a mais do que o caminho direto para Vientiane. Foi bom ter desviado, apesar do cansaço no final, mas a agradável manhã que passamos compensou, pois a estrada 10 tinha pouco movimento, aumentando um pouco quando chegávamos próximos aos vilarejos.
Enfim em Vientiane! Cidade bem movimentada com grandes palacetes e monumentos, muitos templos e crianças monge a andar de um lado para outro pela cidade com suas sombrinhas e bicicletas. Ficamos numa região turística próxima ao Rio Mekong para pegar os vistos do Vietnã e da China (só um mês mesmo, prorrogável por mais um mês) e curtir a cidade também.
Conhecer a cidade é algo interessante, pois há vários monumentos, templos e muita história para se contar, tem até comidas típicas de outros países como a culinária da Malásia e a indiana, estátuas, o Patuxay (parecido com o Arco do Triunfo francês) localizado numa larga e longa avenida (Lane Xang), o Ho PhraKeo, Sisaket – locais históricos do país e da religião budista que atualmente abrigam museus com estátuas, muitas delas datadas do século XI como a arte Khmer - Ho Phra Keo e imagens e representações do Buda – Sisaket.
Na saída de Vientiane pegamos um desvio para o Bhudda Park, muito interessante, com diversas imagens do Buda e outras do hinduísmo.
A estrada para o parque tem um trecho de 3 km vindo de Vientiane, já próximo ao parque, com estrada muito ruim. Depois voltamos este trecho de terra e pegamos uma estrada que mais parecia uma pista de pouso, reta e plana feita grande parte com cimento e com três faixas para cada mão, apesar do baixíssimo movimento. Logo depois, pegamos uma denominada 450 anos, um “tapete” também até, e finalmente, alcançarmos a 13. Um trecho por ela até 60 km da capital e já encostamos num templo com dois muito jovens monges.
Os outros três dias pela Rodovia 13 foram monótonos – plano, calor e mais carros, ônibus, vans e buzinas. Dormimos em dois templos: um deles com um monge só, simpático e já de idade; e o outro sem monge algum, apenas com um senhor que dormia no salão do templo, à beira do Rio Mekong.
Noite tranquila e partida cedo. A estrada 13 ainda movimentada nos causava certo incômodo, pedalamos pela planície e vento forte contra, a cada vila que passávamos éramos saudados pela criançada, principalmente, que muitas vezes vinham até a nossa direção para nos tocar com a mão. Quando passávamos perto de escolas,então...virava festa! Rolava até alguns rachas com a molecada de bike.
Já no dia 31/12 víamos as casas enfeitadas e as pessoas se preparando para a virada do ano. Resolvemos esticar até uma cidade um pouco maior para fazermos nosso dia de descanso.
Paisagens entre rochedos, com algumas vilas e uma forte subida e depois uma íngreme descida foi o trajeto desde que pegamos a rodovia 8. Encontramos uma dupla de suíços que pedalava na direção oposta, não desenvolvemos tanta conversa, mas nos disseram que na fronteira com o Vietnã fazia frio e chovia e a próxima cidade maior adiante seriaNahin. Foi até lá que seguimos, uma forte subida (com cerca de 3 km) faltando 15 km para chegar e uma longa descida até a cidade. Fomos bombardeados para ficarmos em diversas Guest Houses, era nossa intenção ficar em uma delas, mas antes pesquisaríamos os preços e localização, queríamos sossego. Ficamos numa guest house afastada de toda aum pouco da muvuca e na virada do ano só ouvimos poucos fogos ao longe.
Algumas cidades visitadas: Luang Prabang, Phoukon, Kasi, Vang Vieng, Phonhong, Vientiane, Phaxan, Pakkading, Vieng Khoun, Nahin.
- porta-garrafas da Topeak – modelo para garrafas maiores quebrou, não suportou uma garrafa de 1,5 L na parte de baixo do quadro – duração = 1.300km;
- compramos em Vang Vieng uma bolsa resistente a água para colocar a barraca, existem as de pior e as de melhor qualidade variando de 60.000 kips a 130.000 kips é uma alternativa para quem necessita deste acessório.
- uma boa opção de comida é o “arroz grudento” (stickyrice) além de outras comidas locais (pão - regiões mais turísticas), o arroz além de ser barato sustenta bastante para pedalar.
Acampamento e noites de sono:
- para os acampamentos selvagens (em locais públicos – como matas) no Laos é necessário pedir permissão ao chefe da vila (Nai Ban, em Lao), o mesmo após conceder a permissão irá protegê-lo de qualquer infortúnio;
- é possível encontrar muitas “Guest Houses” ao longo desse percurso que passamos, pois é uma rota turística interessante, não há opção para se acampar próximos amatas fechadas nas montanhas pois acima e abaixo da estrada há morro e mato e alta declividade;
- enquanto aguardávamos os vistos em Vientiane ficamos numa Guest House que não recomendamos: Youth Inn Guest House, baixa qualidade e tratamento nada receptivo.
- frio nesta época do ano – é bom se preparar para o frio em locais com altitude de 500 m ou mais, normalmente faz frio de até 10° C.
- a 10 (desvio a partir de Phonhong passando por um grande rio e chegando em Vientiane) é uma boa opção para quem quer fugir do asfalto ruim e desfrutar das belezas do grande rio e mata que se encontra neste trajeto;
- muita atenção ao buscar estradas pelo Laos, muitas delas existem nos mapas, mas são estradas de terra, muita (mesmo!) poeira (época seca) ou lama (época chuvosa). Procure sempre se informar, pois mesmo de moto as pessoas evitam essas estradas;
- aestrada 13 de Vientiane a Vieng Khoun é movimentada em alguns trechos.
Telefonia e internet:
- é até mais barata que na Tailândia (chip 10.000 kip = 1,40 USD e ligação para o Brasil 0,30 USD/min);
- internet é facilmente encontrada na capital e em cidades turísticas.
Laos, a terra dos contrastes – de 15/12/2011 a 31/12/2011 – De Luang Prabang a Nahin.
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From 15/12/2011 to 31/12/2011 - from Luang Prabang to Nahin
Land of contrasts: that's the way we define Laos so far, because the country is marked by differences: plain = wealth, hot weather, capital and larger cities; mountains = poverty, countryside, cold weather.
Cycling across the country we found some temples in the city of Luang Prabang, we visited a big night market with cheap typical food and self-service, breads, cakes, handicraft (such as clothing, fabric and beverages). It's kind of a haven for foreigners, there were many of them buying and consuming a lot. For us, the supper, the pieces of cakes and breads for the next morning breakfast were perfect and enough.
We took a day of rest (we needed that!), after a boat trip and a tiring day of cycling.
There is lot of entertainment for nature lovers in Luang Prabang, such as sailing across the Mekong River, visiting waterfalls or riding on the roads in order to find beautiful landscapes and mountain views. We are in a season (mid-December) in which Luang Prabang has a cool daytime temperature and is slightly cold at night (15°C). For those interested in handicraft, art and the local food, we recommend the night market that is located in a busy region of the city, there are great typical dishes from the most common to the most exotic ones. Cycling in the city is another option. Didn't you bring your bike? (lol) No problem! - there are many Guest Houses where bikes are rented, so you can visit many places in the city that is nice and flat for cycling. Another transportation option is the very common "tuk tuk", you can take a tour around the city and visit waterfalls for a fixed price, quickly and without getting tired (you can find a tuk tuk anywhere).
On the way out of Luang Prabang, we cycled through some flat parts of the road and descents as well until we faced our very first challenge (the first of two): to cycle upward the famous mountains of Laos. From that moment on there were lots of slopes, we biked upward and then downward to the Mekong River, then upward again to reach a medium altitude of 1,400 m. From the roads we saw how everything was different in that region, there were few towns, only some villages in the middle of the dense forest built on steep slopes. It's almost impossible to farm in that area because the houses, made of dried bamboo, are located between the hill and the road (which was in bad conditions due to the rain and landslides). We could observe the children who lived in those villages, many of them came toward us, or just remained where they were, but most of them waved their hands to us and said a few words in English or simply "Sabaidee" ("Hello" in Lao), some of them weren't dressed from the waist down (PS: It was very cold!!).
We cycled a lot on that day, it was almost 80 km of soft climb, but constant. Our Legs were tired and we couldn't find a place to camp, arriving in a village we found a French couple who were cyclists that came from Turkey and had already passed through countries we were going to pass through. We took the chance to get some tips, we chatted and laughed a lot of stories, sitting on a balcony in front of a magnificent view of the evening, it was cold and there was a lot of fog over the hills. In the evening, we had dinner together at a restaurant nearby and finally took some rest.
On the next day, we departed toward Phoukon, the slopes didn't allow us to go far, they were almost longer than the effective distance (lol). At the beginning, we descended a lot through the fog and a cold weather . The day we arrived in Phoukon was full...full of bargains at the market, cheaper food and beer in Laos served on the terrace of the house where we stayed. Camping was still our goal, but finding a place to do so was very hard in the tip of the mountains and in the forest.
Cycling from Phoukon to Kasi for 50 km was our goal so far, but this time the route was on our side: a long descent with stunning mountain peaks as the background. We descended from an altitude of 1,500 m to less than 300 m. In one of the greatest overlooks we visited we met some Thai people who took pictures with us. In Kasi we were informed that the route to Vang Vieng would be flat, without descending slope, so we decided to proceed our journey. In Kasi we experienced a very different climate: hot and sunny. People themselves were more warm in welcoming us, not only children greeted us along the roads, but ladies and men did the same.
We cycled a lot on the way from Phoukon to Vang Vieng. What a very beautiful sight! On each turn on the road, the landscape looked more and more beautiful, mountain peaks in the horizon were getting closer and closer as we approached. Along this path we socialized, we met a Chinese boy, a Chinese lady, a Swiss couple and a Spanish called Fernando who we greeted from a distance and made us thinking: this is the "Latin blood" in greeting and warm welcome, PS: Everyone was in the opposite direction. It was with Fernando that we realized that our visa in China could last less than what we expected - just one month, renewable for another month, but we'll see ... We'll check that in Vientiane.
Near VangVieng, the Road 13 was in bad conditions; the road had parts paved with asphalt or stones and, some times, was dirt with dust. The traffic of cars and trucks was increasing little by little. The beautiful landscape continued passing by before our eyes and the camera lens. Some people had fun in the green and translucent waters.
VangVieng, another Laos`s city which was very visited by tourists who take the Luang Prabang - Vang Vieng - Vientiane route. Through this route is possible to pass across the wildest and most inhospitable regions - which is next to Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang. There are waterfalls, caves, rivers and it's possible to take a balloon flight in Vang Vieng , there are many natural attractions and transport options as well: like motorcycles, bicycles (rented) and, last but not least, the "tuk-tuk" which are paid to take you wherever you like. We took a day of rest in Vang Vieng, we washed some clothes and the rested our legs.
There was a lot of traffic on the way out of VangVieng. The road was still in bad conditions and it seemed to persist all the way to Vientiane: with dust and some pieces of rocks on it. We met a nice Australian cyclist couple had just come from Vientiane and had already passed through Cambodia. As we arrived in Phonhong, we had a meal and proceeded in search of a place to camp and water for bath. We headed to a large river, diverting a little of the road that would take us straight to Vientiane. We failed because the river was still far away from us and there wasn't any proper place to put up the tent among all those paddy fields. So, we tried to camp in a temple but we failed too. In the end, we ended up camping in a modest Guest House.
In a detour on the Road 13, we changed the route and finally cycled on a top quality asphalt road. On the other hand, we cycled about 20 km longer than if we had followed the previous route to Vientiane. Despite the fatigue, that was a good decision because we had a pleasant morning, the Road 10 wasn't busy all the time, just a little as we approached the villages.
We finally arrived in Vientiane! It was such a busy city, there were big palaces and monuments, temples and many young monks (children) who were walking on the streets handling their umbrellas or riding their bicycles. We stayed in a tourist area near the Mekong River to get the visas from Vietnam and China for just one month, which can be renewable, and to enjoy the city as well.
Knowing the city is quite interesting, because there are several monuments, temples and many history to be told, there are also typical food from other countries like the Malaysian and Indian cuisine, statues, the Patuxay (which is similar to the Arc de Triumph - France) located in wide and long Avenue (Lane Xang), the Ho Phra Keo, Sisaket - historical places of the country and the Buddhist religion which house museums with statues, many of them dating from the eleventh century, like the Khmer art - Ho Phra Keo and images and representations of Buddha - Sisaket.
To depart from Vientiane, we took a detour to the Bhudda's Park, which was very interesting, with several Buddha's sculptures and others related to Hinduism.
The last 3 km from Vientiane to the park, the road was in a very bad condition. We came back though this dust road and took another one that looked like a runway (straight and flat). It was paved with concrete and had three lanes for each direction, despite the very low traffic. Later, we cycled on a road named "450 years", very good road until we finally reach the Road 13 South. We were 60 km far from the capital of Laos when we found on the way a temple with two young monks.
The other three days though the Road 13 were monotonous - flat, hot and busy (there were more cars, buses, vans and buzzers). We camped in two temples: there was only one kind old monk in one of the temples and in the other one there were no monks, there was only a man who was sleeping in the hall of the temple, located along the Mekong River.
Nice night and an early depart. The Road 13 was still busy, which didn't take a lot of time to piss us off. We cycled across a flat land and against the strong wind. We were greeted mainly by kids who often came toward us to touch us with their hands. So, it's easy to imagine what happened when we passed by schools, it was like party! We ended up playing with them some time (bike race… lol).
On December 31st, we saw decorated houses and people preparing for the turn of the year. We decided to go straight to big city to take a day of rest.
Landscapes among rocks with some villages, a sharp slope and then a steep descent is the way we describe the path since we took the Road 8. On the way, we met two Swiss guys who were going to the opposite direction, we didn't chat that much, but they told us that it was cold and rainy in the border with Vietnam and that the nearest bigger city was Nahin. So there we went, we faced a steep slope (about 3 km) which was 15 km far from a long descent that would take us to Nahin. We found several Guesthouses to stay, but we intended to stay in only one of them, so we compared the prices and the locations, we wanted a quiet place. We stayed in a guesthouse far from the rush of the turn of the year (we could only hear some fireworks).
Some visited cities: Luang Prabang, Phoukon, Kasi, Vang Vieng, Phonhong, Vientiane, Phaxan, Pakkading, Vieng Khoun, Nahin.
- The Topeak's bottle holder - The holder specified for larger bottles broke - It did not stand a 1.5 L bottle at the bottom of the frame - It lasted only 1,300 km;
- In Vang Vieng, we bought a water proof bag to carry our tent, there we could find the low and the high quality ones costing from 60,000 kips to 130,000 kips. Is an alternative for those who need this accessory.
- A good choice of food is the "sticky rice" and other local foods (such as bread, which is mostly found in touristic areas), rice is a great source of energy, besides the cheap price.
Camping and sleeping:
- For wild camping in Laos (in public places - such as forests), it's necessary to ask permission the village chief (Nai Ban). After being permitted, you will be protected from any misfortune;
- You can find many "guesthouse" along the way we passed across because that is an interesting tourist route. There is no option for camping in the mountains, there are dense forests, and steep slopes.
- While waiting for the visas in Vientiane, we stayed in a guesthouse which we do not recommend at all: The Youth Inn Guest House: low quality accommodations and bad service.
- It's cold this time of the year - it's good to prepare for the cold in places with an altitude of 500 m or upper, it's usually cold up to 10 ° C.
- Road 10 (there is a deviation from Phonhong and a river to cross to arrive in Vientiane). That's a good option for those who're looking for escaping from the road in bad conditions and enjoying the beauties of the large river and the forest;
- A lot of attention is required to cycle on the roads of Laos, many of them exist in the maps, but they are dirt roads, lots of them are dust (in dry seasons) or mud (in rainy seasons). Always try to get information, because even motorcyclist avoid these roads;
- Some parts of the Road 13 from Vientiane to Vieng Khoun are busy.
Telephone and Internet:
- It's even cheaper than in Thailand (Sim Card - 10,000 kip = $ 1.40 and a call to Brazil costs $ 0.30 / min);
- Internet access is easily found in the capital and tou.
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From 15/12/2011 to 31/12/2011 - from Luang Prabang to Nahin
Land of contrasts: that's the way we define Laos so far, because the country is marked by differences: plain = wealth, hot weather, capital and larger cities; mountains = poverty, countryside, cold weather.
Cycling across the country we found some temples in the city of Luang Prabang, we visited a big night market with cheap typical food and self-service, breads, cakes, handicraft (such as clothing, fabric and beverages). It's kind of a haven for foreigners, there were many of them buying and consuming a lot. For us, the supper, the pieces of cakes and breads for the next morning breakfast were perfect and enough.
We took a day of rest (we needed that!), after a boat trip and a tiring day of cycling.
There is lot of entertainment for nature lovers in Luang Prabang, such as sailing across the Mekong River, visiting waterfalls or riding on the roads in order to find beautiful landscapes and mountain views. We are in a season (mid-December) in which Luang Prabang has a cool daytime temperature and is slightly cold at night (15°C). For those interested in handicraft, art and the local food, we recommend the night market that is located in a busy region of the city, there are great typical dishes from the most common to the most exotic ones. Cycling in the city is another option. Didn't you bring your bike? (lol) No problem! - there are many Guest Houses where bikes are rented, so you can visit many places in the city that is nice and flat for cycling. Another transportation option is the very common "tuk tuk", you can take a tour around the city and visit waterfalls for a fixed price, quickly and without getting tired (you can find a tuk tuk anywhere).
On the way out of Luang Prabang, we cycled through some flat parts of the road and descents as well until we faced our very first challenge (the first of two): to cycle upward the famous mountains of Laos. From that moment on there were lots of slopes, we biked upward and then downward to the Mekong River, then upward again to reach a medium altitude of 1,400 m. From the roads we saw how everything was different in that region, there were few towns, only some villages in the middle of the dense forest built on steep slopes. It's almost impossible to farm in that area because the houses, made of dried bamboo, are located between the hill and the road (which was in bad conditions due to the rain and landslides). We could observe the children who lived in those villages, many of them came toward us, or just remained where they were, but most of them waved their hands to us and said a few words in English or simply "Sabaidee" ("Hello" in Lao), some of them weren't dressed from the waist down (PS: It was very cold!!).
We cycled a lot on that day, it was almost 80 km of soft climb, but constant. Our Legs were tired and we couldn't find a place to camp, arriving in a village we found a French couple who were cyclists that came from Turkey and had already passed through countries we were going to pass through. We took the chance to get some tips, we chatted and laughed a lot of stories, sitting on a balcony in front of a magnificent view of the evening, it was cold and there was a lot of fog over the hills. In the evening, we had dinner together at a restaurant nearby and finally took some rest.
On the next day, we departed toward Phoukon, the slopes didn't allow us to go far, they were almost longer than the effective distance (lol). At the beginning, we descended a lot through the fog and a cold weather . The day we arrived in Phoukon was full...full of bargains at the market, cheaper food and beer in Laos served on the terrace of the house where we stayed. Camping was still our goal, but finding a place to do so was very hard in the tip of the mountains and in the forest.
Cycling from Phoukon to Kasi for 50 km was our goal so far, but this time the route was on our side: a long descent with stunning mountain peaks as the background. We descended from an altitude of 1,500 m to less than 300 m. In one of the greatest overlooks we visited we met some Thai people who took pictures with us. In Kasi we were informed that the route to Vang Vieng would be flat, without descending slope, so we decided to proceed our journey. In Kasi we experienced a very different climate: hot and sunny. People themselves were more warm in welcoming us, not only children greeted us along the roads, but ladies and men did the same.
We cycled a lot on the way from Phoukon to Vang Vieng. What a very beautiful sight! On each turn on the road, the landscape looked more and more beautiful, mountain peaks in the horizon were getting closer and closer as we approached. Along this path we socialized, we met a Chinese boy, a Chinese lady, a Swiss couple and a Spanish called Fernando who we greeted from a distance and made us thinking: this is the "Latin blood" in greeting and warm welcome, PS: Everyone was in the opposite direction. It was with Fernando that we realized that our visa in China could last less than what we expected - just one month, renewable for another month, but we'll see ... We'll check that in Vientiane.
Near VangVieng, the Road 13 was in bad conditions; the road had parts paved with asphalt or stones and, some times, was dirt with dust. The traffic of cars and trucks was increasing little by little. The beautiful landscape continued passing by before our eyes and the camera lens. Some people had fun in the green and translucent waters.
VangVieng, another Laos`s city which was very visited by tourists who take the Luang Prabang - Vang Vieng - Vientiane route. Through this route is possible to pass across the wildest and most inhospitable regions - which is next to Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang. There are waterfalls, caves, rivers and it's possible to take a balloon flight in Vang Vieng , there are many natural attractions and transport options as well: like motorcycles, bicycles (rented) and, last but not least, the "tuk-tuk" which are paid to take you wherever you like. We took a day of rest in Vang Vieng, we washed some clothes and the rested our legs.
There was a lot of traffic on the way out of VangVieng. The road was still in bad conditions and it seemed to persist all the way to Vientiane: with dust and some pieces of rocks on it. We met a nice Australian cyclist couple had just come from Vientiane and had already passed through Cambodia. As we arrived in Phonhong, we had a meal and proceeded in search of a place to camp and water for bath. We headed to a large river, diverting a little of the road that would take us straight to Vientiane. We failed because the river was still far away from us and there wasn't any proper place to put up the tent among all those paddy fields. So, we tried to camp in a temple but we failed too. In the end, we ended up camping in a modest Guest House.
In a detour on the Road 13, we changed the route and finally cycled on a top quality asphalt road. On the other hand, we cycled about 20 km longer than if we had followed the previous route to Vientiane. Despite the fatigue, that was a good decision because we had a pleasant morning, the Road 10 wasn't busy all the time, just a little as we approached the villages.
We finally arrived in Vientiane! It was such a busy city, there were big palaces and monuments, temples and many young monks (children) who were walking on the streets handling their umbrellas or riding their bicycles. We stayed in a tourist area near the Mekong River to get the visas from Vietnam and China for just one month, which can be renewable, and to enjoy the city as well.
Knowing the city is quite interesting, because there are several monuments, temples and many history to be told, there are also typical food from other countries like the Malaysian and Indian cuisine, statues, the Patuxay (which is similar to the Arc de Triumph - France) located in wide and long Avenue (Lane Xang), the Ho Phra Keo, Sisaket - historical places of the country and the Buddhist religion which house museums with statues, many of them dating from the eleventh century, like the Khmer art - Ho Phra Keo and images and representations of Buddha - Sisaket.
To depart from Vientiane, we took a detour to the Bhudda's Park, which was very interesting, with several Buddha's sculptures and others related to Hinduism.
The last 3 km from Vientiane to the park, the road was in a very bad condition. We came back though this dust road and took another one that looked like a runway (straight and flat). It was paved with concrete and had three lanes for each direction, despite the very low traffic. Later, we cycled on a road named "450 years", very good road until we finally reach the Road 13 South. We were 60 km far from the capital of Laos when we found on the way a temple with two young monks.
The other three days though the Road 13 were monotonous - flat, hot and busy (there were more cars, buses, vans and buzzers). We camped in two temples: there was only one kind old monk in one of the temples and in the other one there were no monks, there was only a man who was sleeping in the hall of the temple, located along the Mekong River.
Nice night and an early depart. The Road 13 was still busy, which didn't take a lot of time to piss us off. We cycled across a flat land and against the strong wind. We were greeted mainly by kids who often came toward us to touch us with their hands. So, it's easy to imagine what happened when we passed by schools, it was like party! We ended up playing with them some time (bike race… lol).
On December 31st, we saw decorated houses and people preparing for the turn of the year. We decided to go straight to big city to take a day of rest.
Landscapes among rocks with some villages, a sharp slope and then a steep descent is the way we describe the path since we took the Road 8. On the way, we met two Swiss guys who were going to the opposite direction, we didn't chat that much, but they told us that it was cold and rainy in the border with Vietnam and that the nearest bigger city was Nahin. So there we went, we faced a steep slope (about 3 km) which was 15 km far from a long descent that would take us to Nahin. We found several Guesthouses to stay, but we intended to stay in only one of them, so we compared the prices and the locations, we wanted a quiet place. We stayed in a guesthouse far from the rush of the turn of the year (we could only hear some fireworks).
Some visited cities: Luang Prabang, Phoukon, Kasi, Vang Vieng, Phonhong, Vientiane, Phaxan, Pakkading, Vieng Khoun, Nahin.
- The Topeak's bottle holder - The holder specified for larger bottles broke - It did not stand a 1.5 L bottle at the bottom of the frame - It lasted only 1,300 km;
- In Vang Vieng, we bought a water proof bag to carry our tent, there we could find the low and the high quality ones costing from 60,000 kips to 130,000 kips. Is an alternative for those who need this accessory.
- A good choice of food is the "sticky rice" and other local foods (such as bread, which is mostly found in touristic areas), rice is a great source of energy, besides the cheap price.
Camping and sleeping:
- For wild camping in Laos (in public places - such as forests), it's necessary to ask permission the village chief (Nai Ban). After being permitted, you will be protected from any misfortune;
- You can find many "guesthouse" along the way we passed across because that is an interesting tourist route. There is no option for camping in the mountains, there are dense forests, and steep slopes.
- While waiting for the visas in Vientiane, we stayed in a guesthouse which we do not recommend at all: The Youth Inn Guest House: low quality accommodations and bad service.
- It's cold this time of the year - it's good to prepare for the cold in places with an altitude of 500 m or upper, it's usually cold up to 10 ° C.
- Road 10 (there is a deviation from Phonhong and a river to cross to arrive in Vientiane). That's a good option for those who're looking for escaping from the road in bad conditions and enjoying the beauties of the large river and the forest;
- A lot of attention is required to cycle on the roads of Laos, many of them exist in the maps, but they are dirt roads, lots of them are dust (in dry seasons) or mud (in rainy seasons). Always try to get information, because even motorcyclist avoid these roads;
- Some parts of the Road 13 from Vientiane to Vieng Khoun are busy.
Telephone and Internet:
- It's even cheaper than in Thailand (Sim Card - 10,000 kip = $ 1.40 and a call to Brazil costs $ 0.30 / min);
- Internet access is easily found in the capital and tou.
Marquinho, Lila,
Fiquei muito feliz lendo os detalhes das pedaladas e dos ligares visitados.
Comecei a companhar agora.. muito legal :-)
Grande amigo Lutfala. Continue enviando suas experiencias. Vou viajar com vcs daqui. Um forte abraço - Bike.
Oi, Wolf!! Valeu pela mensagem! E que legal que está acompanhando!! Beijo e abraço! Lila e Marcos.
Valeu Bike! Continue aí tbm, participando!!
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